Saturday, August 8, 2009

Potty Training- Day 3

I'm struggling with how to write about all that happened today. It started out pretty much the same as the past two days. Again, the girls held their pee for 2 hours before all hell broke loose. I have no other way to describe it. Both girls were crying while sitting on their potties and I was almost in tears sitting there trying to keep them happy. They just aren't getting it. I came to the executive decision (Walt says that I am CEO of our household) to re-evaluate the girls' readiness for potty training. During nap time I realized that I had ben pushing this on them. The literature I had read talked about kids needing to be ready, developmentally, for training. As I read through the author's explanation of 'readiness' I thought that girls were 50-75% 'ready'. I guess I told myself that would be enough. Even after this short amount of time, I can see that I wanted them to be more ready than they actually are. They did just turn 2 in June.
I am really using this post to work through my own issues with starting something and not being able to finish it (at this time). If you are still reading this post, forgive me for the 'venting'. I will continue to talk about using the potty and even offer it to the girls- just not as pushy as the past few days. I know they will get it in time. Thanks for all the encouraging words from everyone on fb.
We had a great afternoon in Amarillo playing and hanging out just the four of us. It was a good day. The best part was when I was in the bathroom getting reading to leave and Gracie came up to me, hugged my leg and just smiled. I really am a lucky girl!


Tabaitha said...

I understand where you are coming from completely. I figured Mason was ready for the potty and while he is taking steps closer to being ready, I think I'm more ready then he is. I'm going to just wait until he tells me he wants to pee in the potty to be ready. Good luck and I hope you have a better day tomorrow.

JShaffer said...

I'm convinced that there isn't one right way to go about this. I've been easing Sonora into potty training for the past couple of months so that I wouldn't have 3 in diapers when the twins arrive. (Which I probably will have for a while anyway, but every diaper saved does help!) Here is what has been helpful for us; After breakfast Sonora gets to run around naked for a while because the feeling of having nothing on reminds her that when she has to go, she needs to be on the potty. I also will occasionally remind her that if does have to go, she needs to sit on the potty. She is getting pretty good at identifying the sensations. We also started out by putting her on the potty in front of a video, and when she would go, because she was on there for a very long time, we made a huge deal out of it. That helped make some connections for her. But like I said, every child is different and you have two to figure out at the same time! I think that you are doing great, and you're right, two is on the early side for most potty trainers so I wouldn't stress. They'll be ready soon. Keep up the good work!
