Thursday, August 6, 2009

Potty Training- Day 1

Toady marked the first day of the journey called, "Potty Training". I have been reading a few books and anxiously awaiting a break in our schedule that would allow us the chance to give it a try. After reading the books, I decided that a focused and intense plan would be the best plan of attack. I bought everything we would need, outlined the steps with Walt, and set the date on the calendar to start. Last night we did a "run-through" with the girls and their dolls. They did GREAT- followed everything on cue and even 'role-played' more than I was expecting. I was pumped and ready for this morning to come.

I got the girls up and put on 'big-girl' panties while Walt made some breakfast. We got the girls eating and drinking and then waited for something to happen. I won't bore you with everything that happened throughout the day. My sister happened to come into town last night so she was gracious enough to help me- I couldn't have made it without her. Walt would have found me balled up in the corner crying when he got home from work if I had been by myself. Let's just say that it didn't go exactly how I envisioned it. I kept telling myself to have low expectations because they are barely 2 and there are 2 of them! I have done 4 loads of wash today with a total of 24 pairs of panties washed!

Gracie was catching on much better by the end of the day with only about 3 accidents between nap time and baths. Lily had a more difficult afternoon and I was starting to think that she was afraid of the potty. She would sit for an extended time and then about 30 seconds after getting up, she would go wherever she was. She can be hard-headed, so my other theory is that she knows exactly what she is doing and is having accidents on purpose. I'm hoping that isn't the case!

We'll see how it goes tomorrow- I will be by myself for most of the day!

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