Friday, August 7, 2009

Potty Training- Day 2

Today started out much like yesterday. The girls ate breakfast and then started playing. I think to day they actually got to play more because I wasn't taking them to the potty every 5 min. The morning went well, but the girls weren't peeing... anywhere. I gave them more juice in hopes to assist the process. After 2 hours I decided that I would put on their Elmo potty video and just have them sit on the potty in front of the tv. Gracie got up and at some point and was standing across the room when she began peeing in her panties- I 'excitedly' told her to go to the bathroom. Apparently this scared her instead of encouraging her and for the next 45-60 minutes were spent with her is hysterics. She didn't want to sit on the potty, but I could tell that she still needed to go. Finally my sister stepped up and took her to put on a diaper. We figured the whole day was a wash for her. Lily on the other hand finally went on the 'big' potty vs the 'little' potty. I found throughout the rest of the day that this was her preference.
The afternoon went pretty well. Lily had only 3 accidents (compared to the double digits yesterday)! Gracie stayed in a pull-up the rest of the day. She would tell you when she needed to go, and would actually sit on the 'big' potty- but nothing. From what I could tell, she would get the sensation that she needed to go and that would be when she wanted to get off the potty and back in the pull-up. I have no idea what to do- I feel like it's not right to force her on the potty when she is crying. I guess I will start saving now for the counseling bill because of this traumatic potty training! :) Lily also gets fidgety with the sensations, but is willing to sit and will eventually go if she sits long enough.
Needless to say I am exhausted after only 2 days! I don't know if we will make it through this. Lauren went to Lubbock today, so my wing man is gone. Walt has to go to work at least part of the time over the weekend, so I am predicting a rough few days. I'll keep you posted. I am leaving you with a picture of my cute girls that reminds me why all this hard work is worth it!

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