Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nude Sleeping

I know... 2 posts in one day! I had to write about this separately from the last post. Yesterday morning I had to wake the girls up because we needed to leave early. I went in to get some clothes packed for them. As I opened the door I noticed Gracie's bed and something caught my eye. SHE WAS NAKED FROM THE WAIST DOWN! She had removed her pj pants and her diaper, and she was sleeping on her tummy. I ran and got my camera so that Walt could see how I found her. I was cracking up! We thought it was cute and was glad that it wasn't Lily- she would probably repeat the offense. Well, this morning I woke up to the girls chatting with each other. I walked into their room and they were both standing up in their beds chatting. You guessed it...Gracie had her pants and diaper off again!! This time there was also a small present in the bed! I guess I will have to start taping her diaper shut at night before she goes to bed! Maybe this is the first sign of potty training! They will be 2 next month!

1 comment:

Tabaitha said...

Welcome to my world! I bet it was too cute to see the girls in bed like that. Mason likes to take his diaper off all the time. I'm waiting to start the potty training until after his 2nd birthday.