Tuesday, November 11, 2008

San Antonio...Day 3

On Tuesday we spent the early afternoon at the Children's Museum in downtown. The girls had a blast!!! They had a HEB mini-market set up in the basement that the girls had so much fun pushing the baskets and picking out food. They had part of an airplane that had a real cockpit and seats in it. There was a reading area with a clubhouse and kitchen area... too much to name everything. The girls fell asleep on the way there, but woke up shortly once we were there.

That night Walt, I, Wes and Mica went to the Spurs vs. Mavericks game. We had really good seat behind one of the goals. We got there early (even before the doors open) and was able to watch some of the warm-ups. Even though the guys didn't win, it was a fun night. Thanks Papa & Mimi for watching all the girls!

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