Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Trip to H-town

Last week the girls, my sister, my mom & I all flew down to Houston to see my Nonnie. This was kinda a last minute trip for the girls and I- we got our tickets the week before- thanks to Walt's dad! This would be the first time for the girls to be on an airplane and my first since the honeymoon- 8 years ago. I was a little nervous to say the least. The flight went great and we made it to Houston safely. We spent the week at my Nonnie's house hanging out and swimming. The girls loved the pool the first day, but lost interest the following days- oh well- Lauren and I enjoyed it! We were able to hang out with my cousins and got to see some family friends who were also in town that week. The girls were tired by the end of the week and you could tell they had been in one house most of the week- we didn't even go shopping!

Back at the beginning of the year Nonnie was diagnosed with lung cancer. She has been on chemotherapy, but decided to skip the last treatment because it was making her feel pretty bad- she's 84 years old. She had a PET scan last week & the doctor called my uncle with the results at the end of last week. All three tumors present had decreased in intensity! Praise the Lord! The doctor wants to start another round of chemo in about 6 weeks. Nonnie had an appointment yesterday to discuss the treatment. Please keep her in your prayers. I will put some pictures up once I get them off my camera and on the computer.

1 comment:

Tabaitha said...

So glad to hear the tumors are decreasing in size. I miss summer's at Nonnie's house with you guys. We always had so much fun. Keep me posted about Nonnie. Too bad we weren't in Houston at the same time.