Wednesday, February 6, 2008

New Pics!!

I hope this entry finds everyone doing well. We had a great Christmas & New Year with all kinds of family. I was finally able to get all of our current pictures up on Flickr. Hopefully I will soon have video to post.


Unknown said...

Yea for Santa Babies! I'm sure you and Walt can't believe how much they've changed already! Wow.

So are their facial expressions the pic of them in their reindeer onesies indicative of their personalities? I kind of see a theme running through their expressions in this set. Their interactions with the bath-robed bear might be telling too. Very cute!

And an exersaucer is the best Christmas present.

I'm looking forward to the videos!

Tabaitha said...

I'm so excited to see what this year holds for your family. Miss you guys, give those girls a kiss for me!